Just as it says. I am late. OK, so it's only 24hrs but from someone who's been clockwork all my life (cept for last yr when we were preg and then lost it) this is a biggy. And to answer for all of you abortion happy loonies out there, yes we were and no I didn't b4. So why the terrified thingy yall ask??? Well I have a psycho stalker that is trying to fuck with my life because she didn't get to go a carnival with a guy I had never met when she was 15!!! this happened in 2001 and she still acts...
Not realy much to say. I am still up for no particular reason at 4am I should be in dreamland annoying ppl yes good place to be so if you see some red haired jedi and a bunch or NR pilots its just me and well say hi most of the time we just stand around bsn' well i am going to sleep and hope to have fun TTFN MTFBWY TJ
That Mars rover is realy cool but do you realy think they will show you what they realy find? And why do they cont. to bs us abt what happnd to the other ones??? They got jacked ppl. Spacers jacked them. Like they do whenever a peice of whatever has valuable in it. It was either that or they got vaped down by hot shot TIE pilots that were borred. I do not mean to alarm but we are realy and we live among you and the gpigs pigs know and now the MIB will crawl up my terr but ya know I dont car...
Yes we have a deep freeze going on in the PNW. I made icecubes outside just because I could and i made them in the freezer at the same time---outside won. Yes, the cubes on the front porch froze before the ones in a freezer!!!! DAMN!!!!!!!! Now thats disappointing. And here all these years I was under the great delusion that technology could somehow outdo nature, well, I guess I was just told now wasn't I ? One sucky thing though the heater in this draft c.1992 mobile cant get the heat up ov...
MY turn to rant and raven here. I realy need to let it be know how I feel about what I see, on a daily basis mind you, in stores, parking lots, malls, theatres, you name it. What I see that makes me so very mad, sometimes to the point of imagined violence, is all thes shit for parents that have no idea how fucking lucky they are! You treat those children like a disposable commodity! Well here's an eye opener, THEY AREN"T!!! And I would realy appriciate it if you would kindly stop being suc...
TINY TEARS To the child I held in my heart alone You will never get to know your wonderful home. As your toys lay quiet Your bed silent and cold The cloths we bought you I am to sad to fold. The door has been closed I can't bear to in Just brings back that night again. The things that were said Because then I couldn't cry Right now I am There's a tear in my eye. I miss you so much Why aren't you here? You tried to tell me But I didn't hear. I know you're still with me Standin...
go forth silently into the night take the trip fight the fight be the one you were ment to be take the flight come fly with me As you can see I am somewhat a poet. Or I try at anyrate (giggle) I try not to get all headbig. Thats when you can get into hella trouble. Oh yes as I was saying last time-LOTR3 It was the best 3h:10m of a movie I have seen (SWCW isn't out yet so....) if you have to spend $12 on a chopped up film go see this one. Next flick on the list to see is CAT IN TH...
Ah Yes... I have returned... For those of you who are watching. Just watched T3,good movie,if you have not seen yet I highly recomend. Going to see LOTR3 xmas day. I must say however that it realy burns my hide that Coruscant gets full versions of movies 3 months before we do. And the topper is that they are the full version of the movie, not the chopped up crap we pay $6.00+ a head to go see. I mean come on, I know that they could atleast put the full version on a dvd for flopping out loud...
Well HELLO and Happy Hollydayze; To all who read this. Its just a wet cold rainy night here in the PNW. I wish it was snowing. I like snow. It's only snowd once here this year and it was gone that day MTL you are wondering why I call myself what I do. Well, I have 5 tats and I am a Jedi so I guess it just made sense. One of the few things in my life that does, I think? I am not to sure on that subj. I will get back to you all later on that thought. I am 33. No children (cries hystericly), ...