Yes we have a deep freeze going on in the PNW.
I made icecubes outside just because I could and i made them in the freezer at the same time---outside won. Yes, the cubes on the front porch froze before the ones in a freezer!!!! DAMN!!!!!!!! Now thats disappointing. And here all these years I was under the great delusion that technology could somehow outdo nature, well, I guess I was just told now wasn't I ?
One sucky thing though the heater in this draft c.1992 mobile cant get the heat up over 70!!! I have 2 pairs of socks on and if it gets worse I am going for the gloves. And I have dissed fireplaces, slap me please because I realy wish we had one right now, or even a space heater for my toes
,which are cold BTW.
I guess I realy have nada to bitch abt though, fiance is out delivering pizza in this weather. I hope he dont freeze his testese off, we have no children yet.
Well I am off to find a way to get a little warmer.
Ma the rest of you be warmer than me.