Just as it says. I am late. OK, so it's only 24hrs but from someone who's been clockwork all my life (cept for last yr when we were preg and then lost it) this is a biggy. And to answer for all of you abortion happy loonies out there, yes we were and no I didn't b4.
So why the terrified thingy yall ask??? Well I have a psycho stalker that is trying to fuck with my life because she didn't get to go a carnival with a guy I had never met when she was 15!!! this happened in 2001 and she still acts like it happened last week!!! This is stupid because she no longer lives here and is on with her newly alcoholic/drug/promiscuity life. She lives under the veil that I ruined her life because I would not let her go to the carnival. I would have if she would have let me speak with him or his parents. Not so much to ask of a 15 yr old.
Anyway, I digressed. I am in fear because if she (Nina Rose Lewis/Hummel, DO NOT FU*K!!!!! Last known sighting, Reno,NV USA) finds out she might call CPS and make up shit and cause me trouble. I now get to live my life on the run!!!!!!! She has not yet crossed the stalker like with her absession (yes i spelled it like that for a reason) and ASAP I will be filing a no contact order again. This game is so retarded. And here I was lead to belive that she DID NOT want to be like her biomom. Opps, She fucked up again 
So if anyone that knows this person reads this and you see her please be so kind as to to tell her not to call when she is wasted.
I am trying to move on with my life as she should be. And stop with the magic, for my ally is the Force and a powerful ally it is.
Big hugs to the deserving and needy
Kick in the balls to terrorists, loosers and child abusers