go forth silently
into the night
take the trip
fight the fight
be the one
you were ment to be
take the flight
come fly with me
As you can see I am somewhat a poet.
Or I try at anyrate (giggle)
I try not to get all headbig. Thats when you can get into hella trouble.
Oh yes as I was saying last time-LOTR3
It was the best 3h:10m of a movie I have seen (SWCW isn't out yet so....) if you have to spend $12 on a chopped up film go see this one. Next flick on the list to see is CAT IN THE HAT and the HAUNTED MANSION. Now I am an Eddie Murphy fan and a Dr.Suesse fan so I am quite pumped on both fronts. Will drop tips when I see them.
Just watched FREAKY FRIDAY and FINDING NEMO. UM-I did laugh a bit with both but if there is something else you have been waiting see and it's out on DVD or VHS I would spend the money on those first and then check these. I dunno, this is just my opinion.
Well I guess I don't have much more to say today.
Well I do but I will save it for another day...