Well HELLO and Happy Hollydayze;
To all who read this.
Its just a wet cold rainy night here in the PNW. I wish it was snowing. I like snow. It's only snowd once here this year and it was gone that day

MTL you are wondering why I call myself what I do. Well, I have 5 tats and I am a Jedi so I guess it just made sense. One of the few things in my life that does, I think? I am not to sure on that subj. I will get back to you all later on that thought.
I am 33. No children (cries hystericly), well one but he passed in April at 2 months and well...
I have a SO. I am trying to convince him we shouldn't get hitched untill I have a baby because if it hasn't happened by 35 then I want him to find someone who can have children 'cause of some stupid cop that harrassed me I my not be able to become a foster parent and oh grrrrrrrrrr I am just getting angry now.
I have rats, 7 of them. Skitterz, FatAz, Baby SKitterz, BabyG, and the other 3 don't realy have names. Rats make way cool pets. They are like dogs and cats at the same time.
We have a hamster called Crazy Ed the Running Hamster. He wakes up at like 8:30pm and unless you coherce him off the wheel all he does is run. Ok well I think he he gets off to use his potty but I am not sure

We have a rabbit named Brownie, also called Nuggie, ok mostly called Nuggie.
Also inhabiting my world is a 9 year old Aussie mix called Sam and a 6 year old Burmeese mix called Shandow. Shanny is my spoiled pest. Sam is just well Sam.
I am a javaholic. I love my caff. YEAH!!! BASKIN ROBBINS RULEZ!!!
I do the NEOPETS thing. I like 'em.
I am trying to write a waterpark book. I don't know why. Maybe 'cause I like to swim so much and I will give me the excuse to go to some of them thast I wouldn't normaly get to.
Well I guess thats about it for now.
Thanks for stoppping by to say hi.
Have a fun whatever...